
The first time I made this, it was with powder milk and a bad starter. I thought maybe I should stick to buying yogurt from the store. After I gave it another go, it came out great. Using fresh milk and a good starter makes all the difference. This recipes is an easy way to make homemade yogurt.

1 gallon whole milk
1/2 cup regular store yogurt or your homemade yogurt. ( make sure it's fresh )

Scald milk over med heat . Then cool until you can hold your pinky there for just 10 seconds. Add the yogurt and stir once. Cover pot and wrap in a blanket or a couple of beach towels and put in a cooler. The mixture should not get cold. Let it sit for 6 to 8 hours. Don't move or touch the pot during this time.
When the yogurt is set, put into refrigerator for 4 hours. You can add fruits or granola, or just eat it plain. My daughter is a sweet freak so we add some raw sugar to her bowl.

Eat and enjoy!

If you like Greek yogurt then you can do as I do. Strain the yogurt after the 6 to 8 hour wait. You can do this by using a strainer propped over a deep bowl and lined with a muslin or cheese cloth for 2 to 4 hours depending on how thick you want it. Or hang it. ( I use a banana/fruit basket)
If you don't have these then experiment with what you have. I have a friend that uses her skirt slip. I use a piece of fabric that is very thin and strains great.

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